Day 4: Fried rice - Carson (intermediate)

 Fried Rice: Art of Cooking day 4 (Intermediate group)


(Final image of Chicken Fried Rice)

    Today in Art of Cooking, we made Fried Rice with a side drink of Boba to go along with it. Today's recipe was concise and straightforward, only taking little to no time to prep the veggies and eggs, to then make the fried rice. 

Although today's recipe may have been very simple, for someone who isn't very experienced in cooking like myself there can still be a lot to learn. One of the things that my group struggled with was the right amount of Soy Sauce to add to the rice to get a perfectly rich taste. We at first put too little Soy Sauce and couldn't taste it very well then put too much that it was way too overpowering. We ended up restarting and with the help of Chef Jessica she taught us a trick to finding the perfect amount of Soy Sauce to your liking is to take a small portion of the rice that's cooking and add Soy Sauce to that until you like how it tastes, and then add the equivalent of that to the rest of the rice. 

Another thing that can be worth appreciating is that prepping the veggies doesn't take a long time. In my group, it took us about 10 minutes to dice and chop up all the ingredients that would be going in with the fried rice. 

(Picture of students dicing vegetables)

(Students frying their food)

(Happy students with their finished products)


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