Day 6: Pizza (Advanced)

Advanced Pizza Day!
(Day 6)

On day 6 of Art Of Cooking, we made pizzas from scratch. Our pizzas had a variety of toppings and themes. Everyone made two pizzas for themselves, the most popular combination people had were one savory and one sweet pizza. We started making the pizza by making the dough first
    Kilali and Nuria mixing flour    

so that it could rise while we prepared our toppings. To make the dough we first bloomed the yeast in warm water, while mixing together flour and salt in another bowl. After the yeast was ready we mixed in olive oil, and slowly added it to the flour and salt mixture, creating a shaggy dough. We then kneaded the dough to form a smooth ball. That ball was cut into 8 pieces, meaning we could make 8 pizzas per group. Once the dough was cut, we allowed it to ride for an hour and a half. While the dough was rising, we tackled the next time consuming part of our pizzas, the
    Talulah kneading dough       

caramelized onions. To make the onions we first learned how to Julianne the onion. In order to Julianne an onion you cut long ways, with the lines, and then against the lines, to great long pieces of onion. We threw all of that into a pan with olive oil, and mixed in salt, pepper, sugar, and some groups decided to add oregano aswell. Making the caramelized onions were quite the pain because you have to constantly stir them for an hour so that the onion won’t burn in the oil. After the onion had cooked for a little over an hour,
Niko stirring caramelized onions     

we started on preparing the toppings for our pizzas. Most groups shredded mozzarella for their cheese, and cut up ham or prosciutto for a meat. We also had many veggies to add on top as well, those veggies included bell peppers, olives, mushrooms, basil, and tomatoes. Because we don’t have an oven at the high school, we grilled our pizzas. We covered the rolled out dough in olive oil, and grilled either side before we dressed
             Pizzas cooking in grill          

our pizzas. After we made our savory pizzas, many people decided to make a dessert pizza aswell. Most of these dessert
pizzas were the cooked pizza bread, covered in Nutella and fruit. We did however try our hand at making whipped cream using a simple syrup. The first batch was some what of a fail because we put too much heat onto the cream, causing it to turn into butter! But after re-trying it we made a delicious whipped cream to put on top of our pizzas and eat with fruit. Over all, all of our pizzas turned out great and we learned a lot with the help of Chef Avril.

Chef Avril Grilling

    Alex with dessert pizza        

 Nuria eating dessert pizza


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