Day 8: Quiche and Tart with intermediate

Quiche and Tart Day! With the Intermediate Group Allie, Mateo, Imaar, and Carson’s Quiche and Tart Today to mark the end of our J -Term the Intermediate group of Art of Cooking made a variety of quiches and beautifully decorated fruit tarts. Sofi, Ariela, and Max cut their fruit for their tart Our day began by making the dough for the quiche and the fruit tart. After, the dough was finished the groups went on to work on making the custard which was used to fill the tarts. Then the groups started to assemble the needed ingredients they needed for their quiche filling. When all of the quiches were assembled they were put into the oven. Finally, the quiches were finished and the fruit tarts were wonderfully decorated. Ally applying custard to her groups fruit tart All the groups finished quiches